Sunday, 8 April 2018


Terrorism itself is a religion :
Terrorists are everywhere, all around the world .All the terrorists are not only muslims. The people who become terrorists belong to different religions, cities and countries.The one who wants to become a terrorist, joins the religion of terrorism.Mostly people have this concept that all the Muslims are terrorist.

Islam is not a religion as portrayed by these so-called Muslims. Islam is a religion that says if you kill an innocent soul it’s akin to killing the whole of humanity, and if you save an innocent soul it’s akin to saving the whole of humanity.Since the attack on world trade centre, Islamophobia has taken height in the West which forces it to clinch away from the Muslims. Religious terrorism is not new to the world however it became prominent with the emergence of extremist groups.Labelling Muslims and their countries as terrorist would promote disharmony and insecurity.
These terrorist has a religion of killing innocent people spread fear ,violence and torture the people they do these kind of things and using the name of "Islam" which is totally wrong.
We should take a stand against terrorism and show the real peacefull islam to the world.

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