Monday, 9 April 2018

Social media and Privacy

Social networking and privacy :

Social networking has drastically changed the way people interact with their friends, associates and family members. Although social networks, like Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, Snapchat etc play a major role in our day to day lives, I have also come to discover that they could also pose serious privacy risks. When using these social media sites, it’s quite important to know and understand the privacy risks involved.               

Privacy Risk : Nowadays, hackers prowl the social media networks looking for victims.Hackers also use spyware which they can easily install on your mobile phones, laptops, iPad or/and computer remotely via downloads, emails, shortened URLs or instant messages. The spyware gives the hacker information about the passwords you use on your social media networks and other accounts which you access online.

Protecting Your Privacy: Create strong passwords; the stronger your passwords are, the harder it will be to guess. You can include special characters such as symbols, numbers, and capital letters in your password. Also, do not use some common passwords, like your child’s name, or birthday.
Get the latest antivirus and anti-spyware software and make sure you have it regularly updated with all the latest malware definition

Freedom of speech is a deception

Freedom of speech :
The right to free speech is one of the most precious rights an individual has as a citizen of pakistan. This right gives people the opportunity to speak their mind and give their opinions of what they think should happen. These rights have been questioned and exercised throughout history, and have produced extremely positive things and also negative things in a lot of cases.  they have been questioned many different times, in many different ways. In modern times, people are always protesting something. People wanted their voice to be heard and as long as it is done in a peaceful manner it is legal now. People have never questioned whether or not these rights should exist, the questions involve whether there should be limits or not. 
    The right to free speech is being questioned more and more. People are not using their right to free speech because they feel as if they cannot. This is not the case, just because there is a major conflict doesn't mean they cannot let their voice be heard. 
  Why freedom of speech is a deception !

Deception is an activity that includes lying, but does not require that we say anything we know to be false. Deception is simply an act that intends to mislead someone else about the truth. Some deceptive activities are not even spoken or written.
For example, right to free speech protects speech because it leads to truth. So a right to deceive would have to protect some kind of good. The one most commonly used is the right to life. If us telling the truth will lead another to death, then we have the right to prevent the truth from being known. 
Freedom of speech sometimes hurt people feelings,questions their believes, make trouble and also push other people into trouble .

Women Empowerment

Gender equality is, first and foremost, a human right. A woman is entitled to live in dignity and in freedom from want and from fear. Empowering women is also an indispensable tool for advancing development and reducing poverty. Empowered women contribute to the health and productivity of whole families and communities and to improved prospects for the next .

Women and girls bear enormous hardship during and after humanitarian emergencies, especially armed conflicts. There have been several organisations and institutions advocating for women, promoting legal and policy reforms and gender-sensitive data collection, and supporting projects that improve women's health and expand their choices in life. Despite many international agreements affirming their human rights, women are still much more likely than men to be poor and illiterate. They usually have less access than men to medical care, property ownership, credit, training and employment. They are far less likely than men to be politically active and far more likely to be victims of domestic violence. The ability of women to control their own fertility is absolutely fundamental to women’s empowerment and equality.

"When a woman can plan her family, she can plan the rest of her life"              

When she is healthy, she can be more productive. And when her reproductive rights — including the right to decide the number, timing and spacing of her children. She has freedom to participate more fully and equally in society. Gender equality implies a society in which women and men enjoy the same opportunities, outcomes, rights and obligations in all spheres of life. Equality between men and women exists when both sexes are able to share equally in the distribution of power and influence; have equal opportunities for financial independence through work or through setting up businesses.
A critical aspect of promoting gender equality is the empowerment of women, with a focus on identifying and redressing power imbalances and giving women more autonomy to manage their own lives. The differences in the work patterns of men and women, and the 'invisibility' of work that is not included in national accounts, lead to lower entitlements to women than to men.

For example, when girls reach adolescence they are typically expected to spend more time in household activities, while boys spend more time on farming or wage work. By the time girls and boys become adults; females generally work longer hours than males, have less experience in the labour force, earn less income and have less leisure, recreation or rest time. This has implications for investments in the next generation. If parents view daughters as less likely to take paid work or earn market wages, they may be less inclined to invest in their education, women's fastest route out of poverty.

Empowering Women through Education: "Education is one of the most important means of empowering women with the knowledge, skills and self-confidence necessary to participate fully in the development process".

Sunday, 8 April 2018

Effects of technology on society

Effects of Technology On Society:

Technology and human life cannot be separated; society has a cyclical co-dependence on technology. We use technology depend on technology in our daily life and our needs and demands for technology keep on rising. Humans use technology to travel, to comunicate, to learn, to do business and to live in comfort. However technology has also caused us concerns. Its poor application has resulted into the pollution of the environment and it has also cause serious threat to our lives and society.

It is impossible to explore how each new advanced technology has impacted our lives and how it will impact the future. Technology impacts the environment, people and the society as a whole. The way we use technology determines if its impacts are positive to the society or negative.  For example, (POSITIVE IMPACT) we can use corn to make ethanol and this ethanol can be used as fuel. Fuel can be used to run machines and cars which will increase on output of manufacturing industries at a lower cost. (NEGATIVE IMPACT) However, if we decide to shift large quantities of corn to fuel production from food production, humans will be left with no food and this will cause world hunger which 

Positive Impacts of Technology on Society:

Technology has mechanized agriculture: Modern agricultural technology allows a small number of people to grow vast quantities of food in a short period of time with less input which results into high yields and RIO ”return on investment”. 
Negative impact of technology:
Because of technology their is no physical activity for children.They are addicted to gadgets.which cause many health problems.Also there are some security issues as well privacy issues.

Advertisement or deception

Advertisement or Deception :

Consumers lack information and advertising can provide information.  In this view, the opportunity for deception only exists because of missing information about reputations and alternatives.  If advertisements are relevant enough to inform consumers, then opportunities for deception fade.

Ultimately, whether deception or relevance is more profitable to advertisements may depend on margins versus conversion rates.  Deceptive advertising tends to have high profit on each sale, but usually very low conversions.  Useful advertisements will yield much tighter margins, but have a much higher volume of conversions.

For me, it is an ethical issue that cuts deep.  If personalized advertising will not be used to benefit people use deep knowledge of individual interests to target deceptions.  Which will advertisers do?  Which will be more profitable?  

I am hopeful that we can improve advertising, that advertising will be most profitable for most advertisers when it is useful and relevant.


Terrorism itself is a religion :
Terrorists are everywhere, all around the world .All the terrorists are not only muslims. The people who become terrorists belong to different religions, cities and countries.The one who wants to become a terrorist, joins the religion of terrorism.Mostly people have this concept that all the Muslims are terrorist.

Islam is not a religion as portrayed by these so-called Muslims. Islam is a religion that says if you kill an innocent soul it’s akin to killing the whole of humanity, and if you save an innocent soul it’s akin to saving the whole of humanity.Since the attack on world trade centre, Islamophobia has taken height in the West which forces it to clinch away from the Muslims. Religious terrorism is not new to the world however it became prominent with the emergence of extremist groups.Labelling Muslims and their countries as terrorist would promote disharmony and insecurity.
These terrorist has a religion of killing innocent people spread fear ,violence and torture the people they do these kind of things and using the name of "Islam" which is totally wrong.
We should take a stand against terrorism and show the real peacefull islam to the world.

Friday, 16 March 2018


Dowry: The social evil 
What is dowry ? Dowry denotes property or money brought by a bride to bridegroom when they get married.
"Nowadays marriage become bussiness" because of dowry system.Because of this many girls are victims specially Poor and illiterate girls and also because of greedy people.Usually in our society female children suffer from inferiority complex by born as they are considered as burden of our society.
Well burden of society is DOWRY and GREEDY PEOPLE not female children.
Why only female are victims ? Why not male Because they are superior NO its just because of "Society mindset" if the girl guardians fails to fulfill the demand of their bridegroom,they abuse their wives and sometimes torture them mentally and sometimes physically.As a result many of them get divorced or commit suicide or killed by their husbands.
This SOCIAL EVIL system has affected our whole society.As a society we must reconsidered the demeaning idea of dowry.Also,the goverment must take genuine actions to impose restrictions on the dowry and must try their best to strickly force these point of imprisonment :else such misfortunes will keep on occuring .


Cyberbullying is the use of technology to harass, threaten, embarrass, or target another person. By definition, it occurs among young people. When an adult is involved, it may meet the definition of cyber-harassment or cyberstalking, a crime that can have legal consequences and involve jail time.

Sometimes cyberbullying can be easy to spot — for example "Bikh gai hai gormint" aunty in pakistan is the victim of cyberbullying.Also posting personal information, photos, or videos designed to hurt or embarrass another person is cyberbullying.

Effects of Cyberbullying:

Severe, long-term, or frequent cyberbullying can leave both victims and bullies at greater risk for anxiety, depression, and other stress-related disorders. In some rare but highly publicized cases, some kids have turned to suicide. Experts say that kids who are bullied — and the bullies themselves — are at a higher risk for suicidal thoughts, attempts, and completed suicide.

cyberbullying is very common nowadays it should be banned and for those who bully others there should be a punishment for that we can control this problem.

Tuesday, 13 March 2018

Need of english education system in our country

Yes,it is really important to get english medium system education because for us it is really important to learn the rules and language to stand with foreigh countries,to grow and develop our country  we need to have english education system in pakistan  , it not only help us in grooming ourself but also to help develope our country.
English education system is important because it is the only language that is used world wide , to communicate and interact with others.Its necessary to be literate enough to face other foreigners.

Hence, its important for us and for our country as well to compete with others ,to  build business relation with other countries and also its help us to understand tradition and culture of different countries .

Thursday, 8 March 2018

Should student society be banned

Student unions are the nurseries of leadership. They hold debates between students from opposing parties. This helps create tolerance for differing viewpoints and helps students learn the ‘agree to disagree’ approach. Regular, annual elections are held that teach students how to campaign and build a support base.This teaches compromise. Students learn the power of a vote and leaders learn that they must be humble or face a rout in the next elections.

The youth is the future of Pakistan. If they do not learn the basics of mature politics, how can you expect individuals of high calibre to appear in the politics of the country?

In the past, when the students stood up, nothing was able to hold them back. It is doubtful that Pakistan would have been formed without the passionate young scholars.A frequent question students ask is how we can get rid of dictatorial heads of political parties? How will we change the corrupt system?

Pakistan’s biggest problem is that we want a clean country but corrupt people are the barriers for student society .

When passionate, determined students enter politics, they can change the system by keeping true to their principles of integrity.Most importantly, they can take charge of Pakistan and, with the help of an independent judiciary.
Students society should not be banned for the betterment of country and students as well .