Sunday 8 April 2018

Advertisement or deception

Advertisement or Deception :

Consumers lack information and advertising can provide information.  In this view, the opportunity for deception only exists because of missing information about reputations and alternatives.  If advertisements are relevant enough to inform consumers, then opportunities for deception fade.

Ultimately, whether deception or relevance is more profitable to advertisements may depend on margins versus conversion rates.  Deceptive advertising tends to have high profit on each sale, but usually very low conversions.  Useful advertisements will yield much tighter margins, but have a much higher volume of conversions.

For me, it is an ethical issue that cuts deep.  If personalized advertising will not be used to benefit people use deep knowledge of individual interests to target deceptions.  Which will advertisers do?  Which will be more profitable?  

I am hopeful that we can improve advertising, that advertising will be most profitable for most advertisers when it is useful and relevant.

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